𝟬𝟬𝟰 Her Departure

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Chapter Four

FEIFEI made a promise with Prince Yichen to find him in the future, and that moment has arrived. She is determined to find him, as well as her father, no matter the obstacles she may face.

She moves about her bedroom, gathering all the essentials for her upcoming journey with the Avatar and his friends to the Northern Water Tribe, where they'll be learning waterbending. She hastily stuffs her belongings──clothes, books, and scrolls──into her messenger bags. She's brought along two small bags: one for her clothing and the other for her reading materials.

Next, she heads to the reading room at the end of the hall, where Ruyi usually plans training sessions for the warriors. Without much deliberation, she hastily packs the room's contents. She grabs whatever she can, stuffing all the waterbending scrolls into her bag. Those scrolls had been sitting untouched in the reading room for months, but she figures they might come in handy on her adventure.

The room is in disarray when she exits. Parchments, books, brush pens, and ink bottles litter the floor haphazardly. She pays little mind to the mess, her focus on the urgency of her departure. Aang and the others are already waiting for her at their temporary residence.

As Feifei approaches the entrance door of her house, she lets out a startled scream upon seeing her mother standing on the porch. In the moonlight, her mother appears almost like a floating ghost, clad in a yellow Hanfu that gleams white.

"Mother!" Feifei exclaims, her face lighting up. "You weren't at the grand feast. Where were you?"

"The king's a bit of a lunatic, why would I be there?" her mother replies with a chuckle. "His greed for wealth is otherworldly, and I am saddened to see that our people are blindly worshipping him like dogs . . ."

Feifei gasps at the harsh words. "Mother! How could you!"

"You and I both know it's true," her mother retorts, raising an eyebrow haughtily. She then places a hand on Feifei's shoulder and leads her toward the gate. "Your father must be proud of who you've become, little Feifei . . . and your sister . . . I don't know if she can be saved from this island."

"I thought you didn't believe that Father is still out there," Feifei says to her mother, her voice tinged with confusion.

The mother raps her daughter on the arm, scolding her like a little kid. Feifei lets out a yelp of pain and rubs her arm.

"When did I say that?" the mother asks, her brow furrowing in confusion.

"B-Because you never talk about Father anymore! So, I thought you believe he di──" Feifei is cut off short when she receives another rap from her mother. "Ow, stop that!"

"Just because I never talk about your father anymore, it doesn't mean I don't believe he's still out there fighting for the greater good!" The mother shakes her head, more in disappointment than anger, at her daughter's assumption. Perhaps her daughter is right, she considers, for not discussing her husband anymore. "Let's not waste any more of your time now, Feifei . . . I have something to give you. Avatar Suijin asked me to give it to you . . ."

Feifei's eyes widen at the mention of Suijin's name. "A-Avatar Suijin?! How?!"

"Her spirit sometimes roams around the mountains during the full moon," the mother reveals before smiling. "And I can see spirits, you see... that's why I'm always at the mountains, befriending the spirits that roam there. They're very kind and interesting, really."

"I didn't know you could see spirits! What?!"

"You don't have to know everything about me, just like I don't have to know everything about my daughter because I'm your mother. I know you better than you know yourself."

Feifei narrows her eyes at her mother. "Well then, what do I want to be when I grow up?"

"A scholar──well, that's not important right now, Feifei!" the mother scolds her daughter, bringing her back to attention. She then retrieves a dark parchment from the pocket of her skirt and hands it to Feifei, who looks at it with confusion. "When you were born during the blood moon, Avatar Suijin visited me and said that your heart is pure and strong. You'll be the one to restore the Moon Warrior to its rightful place. And you have the ability to bloodbend . . ."

"What?" Feifei says, frowning as she processes this new information. "Bloodbend? Isn't that a dangerous type of bending?"

The mother shakes her head. "Unfortunately, that's all Avatar Suijin told me," she answers. "She said that when the time comes, I must give this scroll to you, and you must master it. But she didn't explain why."

Feifei takes the scroll and gazes at it intently. If Avatar Suijin wants her to master bloodbending, then she will do it. And if Avatar Suijin believes she can restore the Moon Warrior to its rightful place, then she knows she will succeed.

"Thank you, Mother," Feifei says with a grateful smile before changing the subject. "I had no idea you could see spirits! Why didn't you tell me? You're always so secretive──it makes you seem mysterious sometimes, you know──I'm quite hurt," she teases, feigning a heartbroken expression.

The mother playfully rolls her eyes and pulls Feifei into a warm embrace.

"Be safe, my daughter . . ." she whispers gently into her ear, her tone softer than before. "Find your father, tell him that I will always wait for his return, and please bring balance to the world again. I trust you will, Feifei . . . I always have, ever since I knew how eager you are to leave this island and help those in need."

Feifei holds onto her mother's embrace for a moment, feeling the warmth and love emanating from her. She takes in a deep breath, drawing strength from her mother's words and the memories they evoke.

"I promise, Mother," Feifei whispers back, her voice filled with determination. "I will find Father, help the Avatar bring balance to the world, and fulfill my duty as a Moon Warrior."

With a final squeeze, Feifei's mother releases her from the embrace, her eyes shining with pride and love. Feifei returns the look, feeling a surge of gratitude for her mother's unwavering support and belief in her.

As Feifei turns to leave, her heart feels lighter, knowing that she carries her mother's love and trust with her on her journey. She knows that no matter what challenges lie ahead, she will always have her mother's strength to guide her. And with that thought in mind, Feifei sets off to meet Aang and the others at their temporary residence, determined to fulfill her duty and help restore balance to the world.

AANG, Sokka, and Katara wait impatiently for Feifei. They're already aboard the flying bison, Appa, with Momo the lemur chittering excitedly as he spots her approaching.

"Feifei, what took you so long?" Sokka groans, pointing to his imaginary watch on his left wrist. "Look at the time, it's midnight already!"

Katara shoots him a disapproving glance. "There's no need to be so cranky, Sokka," she scolds. "We'll get some rest as soon as we land on the next island . . ."

"Well, you're not wrong. Leaving behind such luxurious house and delicious food is quite upsetting for me too."

Feifei rubs the back of her neck, apologizing for being late as Aang helps her load her bags onto the saddle. Just as she's about to board Appa, her feet freeze in place as she hears someone calling her name from behind. Glancing over her shoulder, she sees her sister Ruyi running toward her with a furious look.

"Feifei!" Ruyi shouts, her voice filled with anger.

Feifei's heart races as she unfreezes her feet, instinctively moving into a defensive stance. "Sister, what's wrong?" she asks, confusion evident in her voice.

Ruyi doesn't respond, instead launching into a fierce attack with incredible speed and force. Feifei barely has time to react as she dodges and parries her sister's blows.

"Sister, stop!" Feifei cries out, desperation creeping into her voice. "What's gotten into you?"

But Ruyi continues her assault, her attacks relentless and powerful. Feifei struggles to defend herself, her mind racing as she tries to understand why her sister is attacking her. When the others move to step in, Feifei gestures for them to stay back, indicating that she can handle this.

Feifei tries to reason with her sister, but Ruyi shows no sign of stopping, her eyes devoid of emotion as she continues to attack. In a desperate attempt to protect herself, Feifei summons nearby water. Her heart aches as she reluctantly engages in the fight with her sister. She knows she must defend herself, but the thought of harming Ruyi fills her with sorrow.

Their movements blur as they clash, waterbending and brute strength meeting in a flurry of blows. Feifei desperately tries to hold back, using only enough force to deflect Ruyi's attacks without causing harm.

"Sister, please!" Feifei cries out between dodges, her voice thick with emotion. "We don't have to do this!"

But Ruyi remains silent, her eyes cold as she continues to press the attack. With a heavy heart, Feifei creates a barrier of ice to shield herself. She knows she cannot keep this up forever, but she refuses to give in to the violence.

As the battle rages on, Feifei searches for a way to end the fight without harming her sister. Their bond runs deep, and she refuses to let it be torn apart.

"Sister, stop!" Feifei commands, her voice firm. "I don't want to fight you."

Knowing Ruyi doesn't possess the ability to sense qi, Feifei resolves to use it to her advantage. As Ruyi continues to attack, Feifei evades and counters, finally pushing her sister against a gate. With one final move, Feifei holds an ice shard dangerously close to Ruyi's neck, prompting her older sister to finally give up.

"Okay, now I can't wait to leave this island," Sokka remarks after witnessing the intense fight between the two sisters. "People here are all insane!"

"I'm with you," Aang agrees, and Appa lets out a low rumble in response.

As Feifei locks eyes with Ruyi, her gaze falls to the necklace adorning her sister's neck──a blue choker with a light blue, hand-crafted jewel bearing the waterbending symbol. She gasps in realization: it's a betrothal necklace. Feifei has never seen her sister wear it before, and this is the first time.

"Who gave you that?" she questions, her brow furrowing.

Ruyi merely scoffs before gently pushing her sister away. Now that Feifei has seen it, there's no need to hide anymore. Besides, her rage is futile to unleash on Feifei, who is innocent and unaware of what's happening.

"Prince Ming-Yue," Ruyi answers solemnly. "He gave me this as soon as you, the Avatar, and your new friends left the grand hall. The king wanted it, so I obeyed."

Feifei's frustration boils over at Ruyi's response.

"Are you out of your mind?" she scolds, her voice laced with anger. "I know you're loyal to the king, but this is going too far!"

"You don't understand, Feifei!" Ruyi retorts sharply.

"How can I understand when my own sister is blindly following a king who only uses your loyalty?" Feifei argues.

Ruyi clenches her fists, letting out a scream of frustration. She unleashes her waterbending, destroying the garden with each furious motion, her anger echoing in her curses. When there is nothing left to destroy, breathing heavily, she turns back to Feifei with her eyes blazing.

"I can't leave this island," she confesses, her voice thick with emotion. "It's not that I don't want to──I do! When Father went off to fight the Fire Nation, I wanted to go with him. But the king threatened to harm you and Mother if I ever left . . . I can't risk losing the ones I love, Feifei. I'm scared, I truly am!"

Feifei reaches out, her heart heavy as she watches her sister Ruyi dissolve into tears. Ruyi's distress resonates with Feifei, stirring a deep ache within her.

"Sister, I'm sorry," she says gently, reaching out a hand to touch her sister's shoulder. "I didn't know . . ."

"I don't want to lose you or Mother," Ruyi whispers, her voice trembling. "But I also can't imagine being trapped here forever. After the grand feast, I spoke to the king, expressing my desire to join you. But he offered me marriage to Prince Ming-Yue as the only path to leaving. He knows that if I marry the prince, I'll be bound to obey him at any cost . . ."

Feifei gazes into her sister's eyes, gently wiping away her tears. Then, unexpectedly, she bursts into laughter, leaving Ruyi baffled.

"Why are you laughing? This isn't funny, Feifei!" Ruyi exclaims, her frustration evident. "Feifei, stop it!"

"You're quite amusing, Sister . . ." Feifei confesses once her laughter subsides. "I always thought of you as the strong, independent one who wouldn't let anyone dictate her choices, especially a man──seriously."

Ruyi shoots her a glare. "But this is the king we're talking about!"

"You're smart, Sister. I trust you'll find a way . . ." Feifei reassures her. "With me leaving, it'll be just you and Mother. Why not escape this island and find a better place to settle? Kyoshi Island isn't far. It's only a three-day journey by ship or a week by wave."

"What about the other warriors? What about my friends, Feifei?"

"I'm surprised you haven't realized it yet, but you're highly respected throughout Ch'uan. You're the general, a formidable leader, and even the king's trusted advisor. They'll follow your lead, Ruyi. You just need to figure out the how . . . maybe with your fiancé's assistance?"

Ruyi swats at Feifei's arm defiantly as a blush tinges her cheeks like the first blush of spring flowers.

"Stop teasing me! This isn't a joke," she scolds, though a small smile dances on her lips.

Feifei shrugs. "I happen to know Prince Ming-Yue well. He's loyal and trustworthy, just like you. He'd make a fitting husband for a warrior like yourself." As Ruyi opens her mouth to question her knowledge, Feifei adds, "I'm his best friend, after all. I know him well."

Ruyi smiles adoringly at her little sister before Feifei embraces her tightly, feeling the weight of their parting.

"Take care of yourself, Sister. I'll miss you," Feifei whispers.

Ruyi returns the hug, her voice choked with emotion. "You too, Feifei. Be safe out there."

With one last lingering look, Feifei climbs onto Appa's back, joining Aang and the others. The bison takes flight, soaring gracefully into the sky. As they fly through the night, Feifei steals one last glance at her home, her heart torn between excitement for the journey ahead and sadness at leaving her family behind.

"We're finally leaving," Aang says, his voice tinged with relief.

Feifei nods, her gaze fixed on the horizon. "Yeah, but who knows what awaits us out there."

"Ah, sleep at last!" Sokka exclaims with a yawn, settling down next to his sister.

Katara leans against Feifei, seeking solace in her presence.

"You're not alone, you know," she reassures the other girl gently. "We're your family now, Feifei. We'll always have each other."

Feifei offers a soft smile and leans into Katara's warmth, feeling a sense of belonging wash over her.

Unbeknownst to them, as they fly, they pass several Fire Navy ships heading towards Ch'uan, a storm on the horizon that neither Feifei nor her friends could foresee.

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✎ wordcount: 2545

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